UT-MSI – Main Wet/Dry Laboratory HVAC Renewal
Originally constructed in 1971, the Main Wet/Dry Lab Building (S13) serves as the primary research facility on the UT Marine Science Institute campus. The scope included installation of seven air handling units (60,900 CFM total), five laboratory exhaust fans (37,000 CFM total), three heating water boilers, two heating water pumps, two condenser water pumps, and three instantaneous, gas-fired domestic water heaters. The chemical fume hood and laboratory exhaust system was completely reengineered into a manifolded system with airflow-tracking supply and exhaust valves to comply with NFPA 45. The existing steam boiler system was replaced with a hydronic heating water design for easier maintenance and tighter temperature and humidity conditions. New DDC controls were installed, along with a new central plant refrigeration exhaust system. Construction was interrupted in late August 2017 by the nearby landfall of Hurricane Harvey, a Category 4 storm. The engineering team and the general contractor worked closely with UT for months to assist with campus restoration efforts, resulting in the additional replacement of two existing cooling towers.
Project Title: Main Wet/Dry Laboratory HVAC Renewal
Project Location: Austin, Texas
Owner: The University of Texas
Project Size: 48,020 SF
Total Project Cost: $5,663,000
Services Provided: Mechanical, Electrical, & Plumbing